Terms and Conditions
School cost/profit: Pricing
Administration Fee
$0.75 per completed piece of artwork returned
Schools running the fundraiser twice in the same school year will have administration fee waived for second run
Shipping Charges
Shipping of sample cards and final order of products: School pays shipping
Shipping your completed artwork to us: School arranges and pays shipping
Start up package including art sheets for each student: Art Cards by Kids pays shipping
If you decide not to continue with the fundraiser once you have registered and we have shipped your art sheets, it is your
responsibility to return the art sheets to us at your shipping expense
Once you have filled out this form and click register, we will ship your start up package which will include 11x17 art sheets to do
artwork on for each student, extra art sheets, and teacher guidelines to begin your fundraiser. Included in the package will be
information on how to proceed once artwork is complete.